Writers' Workshop: Is Indie Publishing Right for You? A Testimonial

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Castle Rock
Philip S. Miller Event Hall A

Event Details

In 2010, Laurie Marr Wasmund’s husband said to her, “There’s this thing called self-publishing. You’ve been writing for years. Why don’t you try it?” So she did. Now an indie author, her journey is one of many triumphs and a few not-so-much, but also laughs and adventures, a welcoming and ever-expanding community of writer friends, and very few regrets. Join her to discuss the possibilities offered by indie publishing. Bring your hopes, aspirations, and questions for a free-wheeling discussion. ADULTS. REGISTRATION REQUIRED.
Event Type(s): Adult, District Program, Events
Age Group(s): Adult
Heather Liggett

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